What size leisure battery do I need?

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Well, that depends on what you are going to use it for and for how long

Need to consider

  1. The potential load in WattHours
  2. The efficiency of the devices on the circuit (for example the invertor)
  3. The recommended maximum depth of discharge of the battery

To calculate the potential load

List all the devices and how long they would be used for

Charging iPad – 3 hours
Charging phone – 2 hours
Water pump – 15 minutes
LED Lights – 8 hours

Power consumption
Charging tablet10.5110.5
Charging Surface Pro33.8267.6
Charging mobile phone5.815.8
Charging mobile battery pack0
Charging torch616
Charging bike lights0
Charging drone batteries0
Charging camera battery0
Charging GPS Watch0.810.8
Water pump60.251.5
Total WattHours (WH): 92.2
Total AmpHours (AH): 7.68
This is the table description

To calculate the AmpHours (Ah) needed, divide the WattHours (Wh) by the voltage (V)
Wh/V = Ah
33.7/12 = 7.08