Know your club distances

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Although getting more distance out of each club has been an ongoing quest for me, it has not been the main focus of my learning.

My coach says “Don’t be obsessed with distance” and I get it, it’s more important to know which club to use and what shot to make, given my limitations and what’s in front of me.

Distance is a by-product of swing speed and the quality of the ball strike.

Admittedly, and especially on the longer holes, I sometimes have to accept that I’m not going to get to the green in regulation, yet this gives me an opportunity to plan the route in – so that my final shot onto the green leaves the ball in a position for a sensible putt out.

How to measure your yardage

Method 1: At the driving range



Method 2: On the course


  • Real life conditions
  • Using own balls


  • Difficult to measure carry distance

Method 3:



ClubCarry distance
Total distance
5 Wood
3 Hybrid (19 deg)
4 iron
5 iron
6 iron
7 iron
8 iron
9 iron
Pitching wedge (PW)
Gap wedge (UW)
Sand wedge (SW)
Lob wedge (LW)